1 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 18, 2013 6:38:06pm

I have a marvelous social theory of everything that starts with the supposition that all people in area code 416 with surnames having an odd number of letters are actually hexapodal methane breathing alien overlords from the planet Neptune.

What do you mean I’m a crank? My position is thought out every bit as well as anything by David Barton, and he’s on TV and talks to politicians.

2 JeffFX  Fri, Jan 18, 2013 6:51:36pm

re: #1 EPR-radar

Sorry, EPR, but you’re totally insane. All reasonable people know the overlords are from Saturn.

3 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 18, 2013 6:53:31pm

re: #2 JeffFX

No, no no. The Saturnian overlords have ten legs, have infiltrated area code 212, and are presently working as urban bicycle couriers for reasons of their own.

4 sagehen  Fri, Jan 18, 2013 7:13:01pm

re: #2 JeffFX

re: #3 EPR-radar

There’s no such things as Saturnians.

There’s an offshoot rebel faction of Sontarans who claim to be Saturnians, and they’ve disguised their IP addresses to make it look like they’re in area code 212 (really they’re in 044).

5 nines09  Fri, Jan 18, 2013 7:19:34pm

re: #1 EPR-radar

re: #2 JeffFX

re: #3 EPR-radar

re: #4 sagehen

They all have phones who magically call you and then when you call back are out of service. Barton and Beck. Like a roach to garbage. The only question being, who is the roach?

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